Gamebooster Apk

GameBooster 2 is developed by PITtech. This is a REAL GameBooster on market and not comparable with other junks. Give a new life to your old phone with GameBooster now.
You don't need a new phone for playing high-end games! Boost your games with Game Booster.
This app will decrease background service priorities (lesser CPU overhead), Increase low memory killer values, Tuning CPU treshold, sampling rate, and maybe governor depending on selected gaming mode level. There are too much things that will really imporive gaming. It only needs Root, Works on every root phone.
This app can't add more RAM or cores to your device. Game Booster mostly fixes CPU lacks and disables known RAM hungry apps. It makes your phone a bit better on games with different methods.
What's New
- Added EMERGENCY RESTART to EXTRA menu to fix problems automatically and quickly.
- Better compatibility with phones with lower than Android 4.0.
- Better compatibility with phones with small screens.
- Fixed icon issue on ldpi and xhdpi phones.
- Added scrolling layout for landscape view.
- Disabled action bar for bigger layout.
- Another tons of small changes.

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